In this enlightening Q&A session, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati delves into the profound truths about Lord Krishn’s supreme status as the ultimate Divine being. He explains Krishn as “poornatam purushotam brahm,” which means that He is both almighty power and Divine love. Describing Krishn’s vast and eternal family, Swamiji highlights the different categories of souls within His Divine realm – from the general souls to the most devoted and surrendered souls.
Question & Answer with Swami Prakashanand.
Question: Is Krishn supreme God?
Answer: Oh yes. He is called poornatam purushotam brahm. The same God has two powers: Almighty power and Divine love power. Almighty means His greatness, grandeur, beauty, and Bliss and Divine love means more Divine intimacy in the Divine world. But that is a philosophy that one could understand after doing devotion to some extent, not before that.
Like, a description of quantum energy for a schoolboy is too much. Like an atom is subtle, a particle is subtler, and photons are more subtle. But you can’t describe such differences to a little boy, although there are differences. So, we classify poornatam purushotam brahm, and the almighty and Divine love powers. But they are all forms of the one God and They are all absolute. There is no difference in absoluteness, but there are some classifications in absoluteness. So, we call Krishn as supreme God.
Question: Could you tell us about Krishn’s own family?
Answer: Krishn has such a big family, we can’t count it. In His general family all the souls come; all the souls of this universe, that is Krishn’s family. Sab mam priyasamay… Bhagwan Ram says, all the souls, whatever they are, are loving to Me, they are from Me. But out of them, those beings who are surrendered to Me are more loving to Me.
Suppose a mother has ten children, one is good, one is very good, one is bad, one is naughty, so the mother gives a little more care to the best one. But all are her children. In this way the more we are devoted to Him, the more we receive His grace upon us. And for those who are fully surrendered to God and they have purified their heart completely, a time comes, and they receive God realization with His Grace. Then that particular soul goes to His Divine abode, according to the form of his worship. In His abode also there are uncountable Saints. There are three categories of His children. One: in general, all the souls of the world; second: all the devotee souls of the world; and third: all the Saints of the Divine world. He has a big family.
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati affirms that Krishn is the supreme God; He Himself is Almighty power and Divine Love. His family is as vast as the universe; it includes all souls, with a special focus on those who are devoted to Him. The more we surrender ourselves to Krishn and purify our hearts, the closer we come to receiving His Divine grace and realizing our true nature. In His divine abode, the souls of His devotees and saints dwell in eternal bliss, further exemplifying the boundless love and inclusiveness of Krishn’s family.