Prakashananda Saraswati on the Path to God and the Four Orders of Life – Part 3

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati continues his profound discourse, building on the insights shared in Parts 1 and Part 2. He emphasizes that while Saints and scriptures guide the soul toward God, true spiritual progress requires desiring God beyond intellectual pursuits. Part 3 introduces the four stages of life (ashrams) as a framework for balancing worldly responsibilities with the ultimate goal of God-realization.

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati describes…

When you find a Saint, he will teach you the path to God. However, if you just want to study the Scriptures intellectually, this won’t take you anywhere.

How can you study something which is beyond the intellectual capacity of your mind? You might learn the meaning of the words and memorize the phrases, but this won’t make any sense. Studying the Scriptures does not mean acquiring intellectual knowledge.

The Scriptures teach us how to desire God. You have to desire God to find Him. If you already desire to find God, the Scriptures and the Saints can help you follow the path to God. They are always available somewhere on the Earth, along with God’s Divine powers, which are open to Grace any soul.

The Vedas describe a system of living which is designed to help everyone find God. It has four stages:

(1) brahmacharya

(2) grihasth

(3) vanaprasth

(4) sanyas

The goal of every soul is to find God. To reach God, you must have correct understanding of yourself, this world and its attractions, God’s love, Grace, and His abode.

In the first stage you study; in the second stage you experience the world through marriage and family life; in the third stage you move away from the world and prepare for the fourth stage, which is total renunciation. They are called the four ashrams and are like a rule-of-thumb for living. These stages may be slightly modified according to your individual circumstances and social situations.

How can they be applied in the present age? In the same way. You have to study in order to learn about soul, maya and God. Both types of knowledge are important. You must study to earn a living and to maintain your life in the world. You should also learn how to bring yourself close to God. You can enter into family life, get married and see the world, but don’t be indulgent. Don’t indulge yourself in worldly pleasures.

How much contentment do you receive from mundane entertainments? How much happiness can you find by owning a big estate, and having a good wife, sincere friends and a successful business? You can see through your own experience and the experience of your friends. In every case you will find that worldly happiness is futile. Worldly happiness is not everlasting; it is deceptive and short-lived. Stay tuned for the next part of this enlightening series, where we delve deeper into Swami Ji’s wisdom and its practical applications in our lives.

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