Swami Prakashanand Saraswati on the Essence of Bhakti and Spiritual Questions

In this enlightening Q&A session with Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, we explore essential spiritual topics including the true meaning of sanyas(living a renounced life as a Hindu monk or nun), the nature of divine longing, and the essence of devotion. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati provides profound insights into these concepts, offering clarity and guidance on how to cultivate a deeper connection with the Divine. His teachings illuminate the path to spiritual growth while he helpsseekers navigate their spiritual journey with wisdom and grace.

Question & Answer are:-

  1. Question: Is there any difference between Christ and Krishn?

Answer: I know Krishn: The all-beautiful, all-charming, all-attractive, all-loving, absolute, supreme, omnipresent, Divine Personality of the Godhead is called “Krishn”. He is the form of kindness, the absolute form of grace and the absolute, supreme form of Divine-love whose fraction of power has created this whole universe, MahaViradMaha Vishnu twamtasyaJanakah. All of these qualities are the qualities of Krishn. Now, you yourself compare it with Christ and try to make out the difference.

  • Question: I’ve always believed in angels. Do they exist, and can they guide us?

Answer:  Within the material phenomena many types of gods and goddesses exist who live in celestial abodes. On this material earth there could be many kinds of fairies and angels, but they have no direct concern with any human being. When you receive some guidance, which is coming directly from within your mind, it is related to your past, good actions. The impressions of these previous good deeds remain in your subconscious mind and sometimes come up into your conscious mind. Every person also has some kind of imagination from his childhood about certain fairy tales that relate to the attainment of worldly luxuries. These imaginations are stored in the first part of the subconscious mind, and sometimes they become merged in the subconscious. Thus, you may feel that you are being guided by some other being, but it is actually the direction of your own subconscious mind. For a devotee, angels and spirits are of no use, because they lie within the material realm, and a devotee aspires for Divinity which is beyond the material phenomena.

  • Question: Does longing for God happen naturally, or can a devotee do anything to increase it?

Answer: –Longing develops on its own, but you have to provide the facility for its development. For example: You are listening to a song about a Gopi’s feeling of separation from Krishn that elevates your own feelings of longing. Repentance increases your desire to meet Lord Krishn in this lifetime, but a devotee should never feel disheartened. Eagerly yearning for His grace and reading the biographies of Rasik Saints who lived their lives with selfless desire to serve Radha-Krishn inspires and fosters longing in a devotee’s heart. When a plant is small it needs protection, water, light and nourishment, so it can grow tall and strong on its own. Similarly, the seed of Divine-love in a devotee’s heart needs to be protected and nurtured by the dedication of the devotee; then longing naturally grows on its own.

  • Question: What is a simple process of finding God?

Answer: –There is only one process of finding God, and that is called bhakti, (divine-love-consciousness). In the world, though every mother loves her own child in her own style, yet the loving emotion and the affinity never changes from mother to mother. Similarly, God has many forms, and according to His different forms, there are many styles of loving Him. The loving aspect is only one, and that is called bhakti (divine-love-consciousness), selfless love for God without worldly ambition. That is the simplest, best and the shortest process of developing affinity for God in your heart, which is the only means of finding God in His absolute Supreme beauty.

Question: If my family atmosphere is not conducive to devotion should I leave my family and take sanyas?

Answer:Sanyas means leaving the attachments of the mind, not physically leaving the worldly relatives. Such a detachment is only possible if you develop love for Krishn, and to develop love for Krishn, you have to have a deep desire to find Krishn. Devotional love and detachment are interdependent. If you are in such a family situation where you cannot do your devotions properly, and you leave the family, many things arise like: where to eat, where to find shelter, and then your mind returns to the comforts of your family. You have to compromise with your family, so that you can have some time alone to do your devotions. If that is not possible, you can go out for an hour or two, sit in the park, do your devotions mentally and come back home. Devotion is in the mind, not in the physical body. Who knows your thoughts? No matter how great the diversity is in the family, you can keep your mind with Krishn and develop your internal, devotional relations with Krishn.

Question: Is knowledge required for bhakti or not?

Answer: Knowledge is always required. Knowledge how to do bhakti is required. The knowledge that you belong to Krishn, and that Krishn is your Divine Beloved is essential. Knowledge to develop faith that this is the only path to take you to Divine Golok is all essential. On the basis of such knowledge, you establish your bhakti in your heart.

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